Run to God
The Dream God gave me to remind me where I’m heading towards
I had a dream the other day and it was different than anything I’ve experienced. I’ve had dreams in the past about church, salvation and new ministries but I was never able to receive an accurate interpretation.
By God’s grace I can now interpret the dreams I have because those dreams are from him and he wants to speak through them. I can recall 4 dreams from the past two years and share what they mean. I’ll probably share in a future post.
This is the first time I ever write publicly about my dreams and I’m excited to share, so here we go.
I was at a beach running and I felt so light as my feet went through the sand. I ran with purpose. I wasn’t running from somone but to someone. It was a smooth run. And everyone knows how hard it is to run on beach sand. In my dream I felt so much peace and there was no fear.
As I was running I heard footsteps behind me. Somone was chasing me.
I wasn’t scared but felt a bit strange so I looked back. It was somone from my past. It wasn't a bad influence, or someone I use to sin with. For the purposes of being confidential I will not share any name. This person’s face as they chased after me revealed so much. They had this hunger of wanting what I had. I didn’t have a material object. The person kept running after me but never caught up to me, I was far ahead. And for some reason I never stopped and the dream ended.
I woke up and the Holy Spirit revealed what my dream was about.
For context let me share this so the interpretation will make more sense > I grew going to church and I accepted Jesus in my life when I was 16. The Lord blessed me with leadership skills, ability to teach his word and gave me grace in the area of influence. At sixteen I was given responsibilities of opening up a church service on Friday nights and was teaching God’s word. At the same team I was in High school on fire for Jesus, and I was a runner in Cross country and track. Running my race and finishing well was my mindset. At seventeen years old I was part of church leadership. At eighteen years old I went to Mexico on a missionary trip and led many poor people to the Lord. I share this not to boast but to share that God blessed me with a running start , all Glory to him. I can share details from the age 18 to 26 but thats for a different day.
My running start was God’s hand in my life and the servant’s in the church quickly took notice. But it wasn't rainbows and sunshine. I made bad choices eventually, I sinned and had to sit out from serving. I went back and forth with this bahavior. It really put a dent in me. I learned that my gifting is not as important as my character. Character triumphs gifting.
I learned the hard way but I’ve experience God grace once again. About 7 months ago I left a local church searching for something new, not knowing that was the start of my hunger for God.
How many of you guys know that to change you have to do something entirely new? I had to rediscover my faith by changing who I was around. I’m not saying the church I left was in sin. I left because I was not growing anymore, the teaching was dry, and there was a lack of the power of God.
Now that you have context, HERE IS THE INTERPRETATION:
The running in my dream with purpose represents my relationship with God right now. I’m running to him. I’m running in such a way that I have to get there and I’m not stopping. I have to behold God’s beauty daily. The Holy Spirit revealed that as I ran smoothly on the sand it represents the measure of grace God is giving me, in way it feels like it’s easy but of course it’s not. Sand represents the fallen world, sin and the enemy in my dream. Running on sand is not easy for most believers. I was running on sand I was running over the world, sin and the enemy like I was running on soft ground.
The person in my dream that was chasing me represented a group of people from my past. That is every believer that was associated with the church I came from. From the church I left. By God’s grace I impacted so many lives and I can reach out to any of them and I have done so.
What the person wanted from me was my hunger and thirst for God. What this person wanted was the grace of God that was in me. What this person wanted was my vigorous pursuit after God’s Glory.
I’m not running the same way I ran when I was 16
I’m running with authority, power and humility. I’m running after the resurrected Jesus. And he makes himself known to me.
My faith is evident because I know who lives in me.
Why didn't I stop and give them what I have? When I think about that question it’s a bit sad but as the write this the Holy Spirit is so clear! There are certain Christian’s I will not stop for and give them hunger and thirst because they are full and satified with casual powerless christianity. They don’t want to see the glory of the resurrected Jesus Christ. They rather put the Holy Spirit in a closet and teach powereless lessons to their congregation. The are happy measuring Jesus to their liking rather than unleashing the Biblical Jesus without measure to the people. They stay content with Bible teaching but lack the power of the Holy Spirit.
I did’nt stop for the person because I had a word of knowledge, I knew they wouldn’t listen, they wouldn’t care, they will stick to thier run with God. The person running after me saw the fruit in my life but I knew once I shared about the power of the Holy Spirit, about the things they don’t do, and why they need to change their view they will deny it and stick to their walk with God.
It’s important to know this. The person that was chasing me is saved. They have a relationship with Jesus. They will be in Heaven.
The body of Christ is big. I mean there are churches in every corner. They operate differently though. That’s a long topic to discuss every Christian denomination but what unites us all is Jesus.
I believe there will be a lot of crown-less Christians in heaven. A lot of Christians that just made it. Of course there will be the “ I never knew” bunch of Christians, sadly. Remember the road is narrow and few find it, few go through it.
I’m going to end with this and you can ponder why I didn't stop for that person and help them have a hunger and thirst for God.
Our time as Spirit filled believers is vital to hand of God. You need to know what exactly God want’s you to do. You need to know who to say yes to and who to say no to. You can’t allow dead christians to be around you. You are either going to catch them on fire for God or you are turning the other way respectfully saying God bless you brother or sister.
I know I need to encourage those that want a hunger and thirst and I know I need to save the lost.
Two groups of people my focus is on.
The ones that want to hunger for God.
The ones who don’t know God.
My encouragement for you is this, go all in for Jesus. Know him fully, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you. Go into the secret place and cultivate a holy desperation for him. Pray on your knees, cry out for him, give him all your desires. Enter his presence frequently and you will experience how thick and rich his glory is.
Run after God and he will bring others who will run with you at the same pace. That applies to singles, I believe that being a single myself. My wife will run after God with the same intensity or she will want a hunger and thirst for God and I will show her.
Run in such a way and finish well.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.” — Matthew 5:6
“ Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.”
-1 Corinthians 9:24–27